The Explorer - Session 7 - Word Workshop

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 7 - Word Workshop
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

AI generated

The "Word Workshop" is an educational activity designed to enhance vocabulary skills among KS2 students. In this session, students are presented with a variety of words to explore in depth. For each word, they are asked to define its meaning(s), use it in a sentence, and modify it by adding prefixes, suffixes, changing its form, or altering the tense. Additionally, they are tasked with identifying synonyms—words with similar meanings—and antonyms—words with opposite meanings. This exercise not only broadens their vocabulary but also deepens their understanding of language use and word forms.

Words such as 'imagination', 'reasonable', 'summons', 'clammy', 'available', 'compulsory', 'exasperated', 'bewildered', 'promptly', 'expose', 'defensive', 'absorbed', 'insult', 'quivering', 'excruciating', and 'reluctantly' are part of the workshop. Students might explore how 'imagination' can be transformed into 'imaginative' or 'imaginary', or how 'reasonable' contrasts with 'unreasonable'. The exercise encourages critical thinking as students consider context, nuances, and the diverse ways in which language can be manipulated to convey different meanings or emphases. This hands-on approach to learning helps to embed new vocabulary and grammar concepts in a practical and engaging manner.