Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 5 - My Thoughts

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 5 - My Thoughts
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In the fifth chapter of 'Kensuke's Kingdom', readers are encouraged to delve into the protagonist Michael's predicament and reflect on their own potential reactions. This thought-provoking exercise invites students to empathise with Michael and consider the choices they might make if faced with similar circumstances. It's an opportunity for readers to engage more deeply with the narrative by putting themselves in the shoes of the character, thus enhancing their understanding of the story's themes and the challenges the character faces.

The question "What would you do in Michael’s situation?" serves as a prompt for readers to pause and contemplate not just the practical aspects of the scenario presented in the chapter, but also the emotional and moral dimensions. By considering this question, students can explore their own values and decision-making processes, which can lead to meaningful discussions and insights about personal growth, resilience, and the complexity of human experiences reflected in literature.