The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad - Teaching Slides

Year 6
The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad - Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The teaching slides for "The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad" provide an in-depth exploration of the characters and themes within the story. Students are encouraged to delve into the character of Jabir, reflecting on their initial impressions and considering the reasons behind his emotions, such as shame when his fishing net is empty or his decision to sell his hair. The slides prompt students to think critically about the characters' actions and motivations, such as Yusuf's justifications for his harsh treatment of Jabir, and to use context clues to determine the meanings of words and phrases. Through a variety of activities, including writing exercises and group debates, students engage with the text, developing their understanding of character development and narrative structure.

The resources guide students to analyse the setting and atmosphere, such as the impact of a sandstorm and the description of Baghdad, while also examining the roles of other characters like Yasmina and the mysterious man who rescues Jabir from prison. Vocabulary exercises encourage students to apply new words in context, enhancing their language skills. The slides also facilitate discussions on the story's themes, such as family, loyalty, determination, friendship, good over evil, and honesty. By plotting Jabir's emotional journey, writing letters and chapters from his perspective, and summarising key events, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the narrative and its implications, fostering a deeper appreciation for the story's messages and the historical context of Baghdad.

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