Darwin's Dragons - Learning Sequence

Year 6
Darwin's Dragons - Learning Sequence
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The learning sequence for 'Darwin's Dragons' is a comprehensive unit overview spanning nine weeks, designed to immerse Year 6 students in the text while developing their analytical and creative writing skills. In the first three weeks, students begin by examining the front cover, blurb, and the information inside the front cover to make predictions about the story. They then delve into the first chapter, forming initial impressions of the characters Darwin and Syms Covington, and exploring the dynamics of their relationship with evidence from the text. The sequence includes activities like creating emotion graphs, engaging with vocabulary exercises, and examining the author's techniques for building atmosphere and tension. Students are encouraged to write diary entries from Syms' perspective, reflecting on key events and his emotional journey, which they will then edit and redraft for clarity and impact.

As the weeks progress, students continue to explore the narrative through various lenses, such as character analysis, atmosphere creation, and the interpretation of key events. They respond to the text with a variety of activities, including summarising chapters, analysing character relationships, and writing creative pieces like play scripts and newspaper articles. The unit also integrates cross-curricular elements, using debates and balanced arguments to consider ethical dilemmas presented in the story. In the final weeks, students engage with the later chapters, considering themes and character developments, and are tasked with writing an additional chapter in the style of the author, Lindsay Galvin. This exercise encourages them to think critically about narrative techniques and characterisation, culminating in a deeper understanding of the novel's themes and messages.

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