Year 3 Wider Reading Suggestions

Year 3
Year 3 Wider Reading Suggestions
Focus Education
Focus Education
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For Year 3 students looking to broaden their literary horizons, there is a wealth of engaging and imaginative texts to explore. The Reading Spine offers a diverse range of fiction titles, starting with the timeless moral tales found in "Aesop’s Fables". Young readers can delve into the fantastical worlds of "Alice Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll and "Peter Pan" by J.M. Barrie. They can also experience the heartwarming friendships in "Charlotte’s Web" by E.B. White and the magical mishaps in "The Worst Witch" by Jill Murphy. Adventure awaits with "Oliver and the Seawigs" by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre, while "My Dad’s a Birdman" by David Almond offers a touching narrative. Anne Fine's "Bill’s New Frock" challenges gender norms, and "How the Whale Became" by Ted Hughes provides mythical explanations for the animal kingdom. The list continues with enchanting tales such as "Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters" by Jon Steptoe and "The Princess and the White Bear King" by Tanya Robyn Batt, ensuring a rich and varied reading experience.

In addition to fiction, Year 3 students are encouraged to explore the works of celebrated authors like Anne Fine, Astrid Lindgren, and Beverley Cleary, each bringing their unique storytelling style to young readers. Poetry is also a key component, with collections like "The Puffin Book of Utterly Brilliant Poetry" by Brian Patten and "A Nest Full of Stars" by James Berry, which offer a lyrical and rhythmic exploration of language. For those with a curiosity for the real world, non-fiction titles such as "A Little Guide to Wild Flowers" by Charlotte Voake and "One Plastic Bag" by Miranda Paul provide informative insights into nature and environmental issues. Historical perspectives are offered in "You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Victorian Schoolchild" by John Malam and "Children in Victorian Times" by Jill Barber, while "Volcanoes" by Stephanie Turnbull and "100 Facts Volcanoes" by Chris Oxlade ignite a passion for earth sciences. "Botanicum" by Katie Scott is a visual feast for budding botanists, making the wider reading suggestions a treasure trove of knowledge and wonder for Year 3 students.

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