The Firework Maker's Daughter - Teaching Slides

Year 3
The Firework Maker's Daughter - Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The teaching slides for "The Firework Maker's Daughter" provide a comprehensive guide for educators to facilitate understanding and engagement with Philip Pullman's story. The slides include a range of activities such as vocabulary checks, close reading exercises, and creative writing prompts. For instance, students are encouraged to explore the meaning of words like 'toddled', 'chemicals', and 'apprenticed', ensuring they grasp the language used within the text. They are also prompted to analyze how Pullman opens the story, to infer what kind of narrative it might be, and to compare it with other stories they know.

Students delve deeper into character analysis by examining the protagonist, Lila, through various activities that build a comprehensive picture of her as they progress through the chapters. They are asked to consider her feelings and motivations, particularly in response to her father's wishes for her future. The slides guide students to explore themes, character development, and plot progression, with activities that include writing diary entries, inventing fireworks, and predicting story outcomes. These interactive tasks are designed to enhance critical thinking and creativity, while also encouraging students to use evidence from the text to support their ideas and opinions.

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