Spellings - Set 10 PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Spellings - Set 10 PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

Set 10 of the Spellings PowerPoint is an educational resource designed to help students enhance their spelling skills. The spelling task includes ten words that students are encouraged to learn and use correctly in sentences. For instance, one might not suggest undertaking a climbing adventure without the proper gear, indicating the importance of safety and preparation. The iconic symbol of a skull and crossbones universally signals danger, a useful sign to recognise in various contexts. Urban infrastructure often involves complex systems, such as a sewage system, which can occasionally encounter issues that affect residents.

Health and wellbeing are also covered in the spellings, with words like temperature, used to describe the high body heat that might prompt a school nurse to send a student home. Cleanliness is emphasised through the word thorough, as in needing a thorough clean, suggesting meticulous attention to tidiness. The word twelfth is used to denote order or position, such as being the twelfth family member to attend university. Students are also introduced to the word variety, which can describe a range of activities one might enjoy in their leisure time. The set includes words related to food and transport, such as vegetable, referring to a carrot as a root vegetable, and vehicle, with a motorcycle being an example. Lastly, the word yacht evokes images of summertime adventures at sea.

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