Spellings - Set 6 Teachers Script

Year 5 - Year 6
Spellings - Set 6 Teachers Script
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In a teacher's guide to spelling, Set 6 focuses on a range of words that students are encouraged to learn and use correctly. The first word in the set is 'identity', which is often used in sentences like "The police officer still did not know the identity of the thief." This word relates to the distinct characteristics of a person or thing. The second word, 'immediately', denotes something happening without delay, as in "Toby was immediately summoned to the head teacher’s office."

Continuing with the list, 'individual' refers to a single person or distinct item, highlighted in the example "An individual letter was sent to those players who had been selected for the tournament." The word 'interfere' is used when someone gets involved in a situation where they are not wanted, as Maryam did not want to interfere in the disagreement between her friends. 'Interrupt' is another word in the set, meaning to break the continuity of a conversation or process, illustrated by "My brother always seems to interrupt me when I am talking." The term 'language' is about the system of communication, and learning a new language can indeed be challenging. 'Leisure' represents free time, when one might enjoy activities such as riding a bicycle in the country. The word 'lightning' describes the electrical discharge during a storm, with bolts of lightning often flashing in the night sky. 'Marvellous' is a term used to describe something that is extremely good or pleasing, such as a film that everybody agreed was marvellous. Lastly, 'mischievous' refers to behaviour that is playfully naughty or troublesome, like a puppy that chewed on a slipper. These words are part of a structured spelling program aimed at enhancing students' vocabulary and writing skills.

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