Writing a Formal Letter - Lesson 3 - Drafting Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Writing a Formal Letter - Lesson 3 - Drafting Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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As part of an English teaching resource, a drafting worksheet is presented to guide students through the process of redrafting their written work. The activity encourages learners to ponder the reasons behind redrafting and the methods by which it can be done effectively. Students are asked to contemplate and record their thoughts in a table, fostering a deeper understanding of the iterative nature of writing. This exercise is designed to help students recognise the importance of reviewing and refining their work to enhance clarity, coherence, and overall quality.

The drafting worksheet is an interactive tool that prompts students to engage with the concept of redrafting in a structured manner. By discussing and documenting the 'Why' and 'How' of redrafting, students develop critical thinking and self-editing skills. The 'Why' might include improving readability, ensuring accuracy, or strengthening arguments, while the 'How' could involve checking for grammatical errors, reorganising content for better flow, or seeking feedback from peers. This reflective practice is an essential component of the writing process and is integral to producing polished and effective communication.

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