Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 14 - Character Analysis PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 14 - Character Analysis PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 14 of the Cirque Du Freak series, students delve into the depths of character analysis with a structured PowerPoint presentation. The lesson is designed to guide students through a detailed examination of a character from Chapter Seventeen. Students are encouraged to independently read the chapter, select a character that stands out to them, and then engage in a layered analytical process to gain a deeper understanding of the character's role and significance within the narrative.

The analytical process is visually represented by an 'onion layer' model, which prompts students to peel back the layers of their chosen character. At the core, students choose a pivotal quotation related to their character and place it at the centre of their analysis. The first layer involves explaining the meaning of the quotation, while the second layer requires students to provide a personal response to the character. In the third layer, students explore the implications of the quotation, considering what it reveals about the character's traits, motivations, or the story's themes. The fourth and outermost layer invites students to zoom in on a specific language device found within the quotation, such as metaphor, simile, or personification, and discuss its effect. After completing their analysis, students have the opportunity to share their insights with the group, allowing for collaborative learning and feedback.

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