Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 10 - Mr. Crepsley Character Profile PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 10 - Mr. Crepsley Character Profile PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Lesson 10 in the English Teaching Resources series focuses on developing a character profile for Mr. Crepsley from the novel 'Cirque Du Freak'. The lesson is designed to deepen students' understanding of characterisation within literature. It begins with a class reading of Chapter Eleven, where students are encouraged to pay close attention to the details that pertain to Mr. Crepsley's character. The key elements to be noted in the character profile include the character's name, appearance, and personality traits. Students are tasked with finding specific quotations from the text that effectively back up their observations and insights about Mr. Crepsley.

Once the groundwork of understanding Mr. Crepsley's character is laid, students move on to the practical application of their analysis. They are assigned an 'On Task' activity, where they create their own character profile for Mr. Crepsley, integrating textual evidence to support their descriptions. This exercise not only helps students practice their analytical skills but also encourages them to engage creatively with the text. Following the completion of the character profiles, the lesson concludes with a feedback session. Students share their profiles with the group, discussing the strengths of their work and exploring opportunities for improvement. This collaborative review fosters a supportive learning environment and promotes critical thinking and effective communication among students.

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