Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 7 - Small Group Reading Ch 7 and 8 PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 7 - Small Group Reading Ch 7 and 8 PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson Seven of the English Teaching Resources, students delve into a small group reading activity focused on chapters seven and eight of 'Cirque Du Freak'. The lesson begins with a challenge for the students to recap the main events of the story thus far, ensuring they are engaged and have a solid understanding of the narrative. This encourages students to consolidate their knowledge and sets the stage for the upcoming reading tasks.

The core of the lesson involves a structured group task where each member of the small group takes on a specific role. The 'Reader' is responsible for reading the chapter aloud, the 'Scribe' for noting down the key events, the 'Envoy' for sharing and gathering ideas from other groups, and the 'Teacher' for presenting the group's findings to the class. This collaborative approach not only aids in comprehending the text but also develops communication and teamwork skills. After reading chapter eight, students are prompted to record any frightening events, which will likely stimulate a discussion on the text's themes and narrative techniques. The lesson concludes with a feedback session where students share their observations and insights with the rest of the class.

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