Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 5 - Tracking the Text PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 5 - Tracking the Text PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In the fifth lesson of a series on Cirque Du Freak, students explore various methods for tracking the text as they delve into the first three chapters of the book. The lesson begins with a discussion on different techniques for following the narrative, such as using a storyboard, creating a mind map, or maintaining a reading log. Students are encouraged to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method, fostering an understanding of how different approaches can enhance their comprehension and retention of the story.

After the initial discussion, the class is given time to read the opening chapters, focusing on the key events, characters, and emerging themes. This immersive reading session is designed to provide students with a solid foundation of the story's beginnings. Following the reading, students are tasked with using one of the discussed tracking methods – a mind map, reading log, or storyboard – to organize and record their thoughts on the chapters they have read. This activity not only helps students to consolidate their understanding of the text but also allows them to engage creatively with the material, making the learning experience more interactive and memorable.

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