Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 4 - Freak shows - For or Against PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 4 - Freak shows - For or Against PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 4 of the English Teaching Resources, students delve into the controversial topic of 'freak' shows, engaging in a structured debate to explore the arguments for and against such exhibitions. The lesson begins with students forming groups of three and assigning roles: a scribe to document the group's ideas, a teacher to present these ideas to the class, and an envoy to gather insights from other groups. This collaborative approach encourages students to consider multiple perspectives and articulate their thoughts coherently.

To gauge their understanding and comfort level with the task, students are asked to draw smiley faces in their books, choosing from options that represent readiness to move on, a lack of understanding and a need for review, or a partial understanding of the task. After the group discussions, students are invited to feedback their ideas to the entire class. They are encouraged to use sentence starters such as "In conclusion…", "My opinion is…", and "Secondly…" to structure their contributions effectively. This activity not only fosters critical thinking and public speaking skills but also sensitizes students to the ethical considerations surrounding the historical concept of 'freak' shows.

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