Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 3 - Vocabulary Research PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 3 - Vocabulary Research PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In the third lesson of the English Teaching Resources, students are encouraged to delve into vocabulary research with a focus on the term "Cirque Du Freak." The lesson begins with an interactive element, inviting students to explore the author's website to infer details about the book. This exploration sets the stage for a deeper understanding of the context and themes within the story. The students are prompted to click on an image that would take them to the author's official website, fostering their research skills and curiosity about the narrative.

The lesson then shifts to a group activity where students are tasked with discussing the meanings of the words 'freak' and 'circus.' To ensure a thorough understanding, they are instructed to consult a dictionary and write down the definitions of each word. This exercise not only enhances their vocabulary but also prepares them for the thematic elements of the story they are studying. Following this, the class undertakes a research task on the history of freak shows. Students are provided with questions to guide their investigation and are asked to prioritize and note down the four most significant facts they find. These facts are then shared with the class by placing them on post-it notes on the board, facilitating a collaborative learning environment where insights are collectively reviewed and discussed.

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