Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 2 - Blurb Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Cirque Du Freak - Lesson 2 - Blurb Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Darren Shan's life as an ordinary schoolboy takes a turn for the extraordinary when he and his best friend Steve attend the Cirque Du Freak. This is no typical circus; it's a freak show teeming with arcane oddities and performers like Gertha Teeth and Rhamus Twobellies. The thrill of the bizarre show turns to genuine horror when Steve recognises one of the performers, Mr Crepsley, as a real vampire. The revelation sets off a chain of events that begins in the eerie aftermath of the show, with Steve seeking a private confrontation with the vampire for reasons far from ordinary.

In the dim and deteriorating theatre, Darren becomes an unwilling voyeur to a chilling exchange between his friend and the vampire, overhearing a monstrous and unsettling plea. Unable to shake off the night's events, Darren is later gripped by a reckless courage that compels him to commit a theft—he decides to steal Mr Crepsley's impressive performing tarantula. This impulsive decision leads to dire and far-reaching consequences that will forever alter the course of Darren and Steve's lives, marking the end of their normalcy and the beginning of a dark and unpredictable new reality.

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