Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 5 - Residents Issues Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 5 - Residents Issues Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The "Residents' Issues" worksheet is a resource designed to engage students in identifying and addressing community concerns related to Bonfire Night celebrations. The worksheet presents a scenario where local residents face problems, such as people parking in residential streets and blocking access to homes. Students are instructed to list these problems in the left-hand column under 'Residents' Issues'.

Once the issues have been identified, the task for the students is to think critically and propose solutions or responses to each problem, which are to be written in the right-hand column under 'Your Response'. This encourages students to consider the impact of public events on local communities and to develop problem-solving skills. The worksheet is part of a non-fiction lesson about Bonfire Night, provided by, a product of Online Teaching Resources Ltd, and was created in 2018 to help teachers guide discussions around civic responsibility and community challenges.