Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 5 - Identify the Errors Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 5 - Identify the Errors Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

The "Identify the Errors Worksheet" from is designed to help students recognise and correct mistakes typically found in informal language when attempting to write a formal letter. The example provided is riddled with errors inappropriate for formal correspondence. The letter uses text language such as "2" for "to", "m8" for "mate", and "gr8" for "great", which lacks professionalism and can be confusing for the reader. Additionally, the use of slang terms like "tunez" for "tunes" and "windy" for "window cleaner" further detracts from the formality expected in a professional setting.

Other errors include the casual and dismissive tone, which is disrespectful and fails to convey the seriousness often associated with formal letters. The excessive use of exclamation marks and the abbreviation "LOL" (laugh out loud) are also out of place in a formal context. Moreover, the writer's approach to addressing problems, such as leaving a mess after a party or causing inconveniences to neighbours, is flippant and lacks consideration. The closing "Chill mate!!!" is overly familiar and not suitable for a formal letter, where a respectful sign-off is required. The letter's content, tone, and language choice all contribute to its inappropriateness for formal communication, and the worksheet aims to teach students the importance of using correct language and etiquette in such contexts.