Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 4 - Bonfire Night Event Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 4 - Bonfire Night Event Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a vibrant and sensory-filled event commemorated annually in the UK. To capture the essence of this occasion, students are encouraged to create vivid images that encapsulate the experience of attending a Bonfire Night celebration. They will use a table to organize their descriptions, focusing on what can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, tasted, and felt emotionally during the event. This exercise aims to engage the students' senses and help them articulate the multifaceted nature of Bonfire Night, from the dazzling fireworks display to the warmth of the bonfire and the taste of traditional treats.

Teachers guide students to reflect on the different aspects of the event by asking them to imagine the crackling sounds of the bonfire, the bright colours and patterns of the fireworks against the night sky, and the chatter and excitement of the crowd. Students also consider the tactile experience of wrapping up in warm clothing, the distinct smells of gunpowder and burning wood, and the taste of seasonal foods like toffee apples. By doing so, they explore their feelings, whether it's a sense of awe, communal joy, or the thrill of the celebration. This creative exercise, provided by, is a part of a lesson plan that aims to deepen students' understanding of Bonfire Night through engaging and descriptive writing.

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