Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 4 - Writer in Residence PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 4 - Writer in Residence PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The lesson plan from Teacher of Primary is designed to guide students through the process of writing a descriptive piece about Bonfire Night for a magazine article. The objective is clear: to capture the essence of a bustling Bonfire Night event, bringing it to life for readers through vivid and multi-sensory description. Students are encouraged to appeal to all the senses in their writing, creating a rich tapestry of images that evoke the sights, sounds, touches, smells, tastes, and feelings associated with the event. A table format is provided to help students organize their thoughts and ensure they cover each sensory aspect thoroughly.

Once students have filled in the sensory grid with specific and detailed observations, the next step is to transform these notes into a coherent prose narrative. They are shown how to weave their sensory images into sentences that flow together, beginning with any image they choose. An example is provided, demonstrating how to start with the visual aspect of leaping flames and then incorporate the other senses to build a complete and engaging description. Students are reminded to take their time to craft well-observed imagery and not to worry about perfection in the first draft. The lesson concludes with a homework assignment, where students are expected to complete their descriptive writing for the next session.

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