Autobiography - Lesson 4 - Main Clause Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Autobiography - Lesson 4 - Main Clause Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

In this lesson tailored for primary school teachers, the focus is on identifying the main clause within a series of complex sentences. The Main Clause Worksheet presents a selection of sentences where pupils are tasked with pinpointing the main clause, which is the part of the sentence that can stand alone as a complete thought. The worksheet serves as a practical exercise in understanding sentence structure and the role of dependent and independent clauses.

The sentences provided on the worksheet offer various scenarios and structures, challenging students to discern the main clause despite additional information or subordinate clauses. For instance, in the first sentence, "Daniel, who was the bravest of the group, knocked on the door," the main clause is "Daniel knocked on the door," as it contains the subject and the verb and expresses a complete thought. The exercise continues with similar sentences, each designed to strengthen the students' grammatical skills and their ability to identify the core meaning within complex sentences. By highlighting the main clauses, students learn to recognize the essential components that convey the principal message in a piece of writing.