A Christmas Carol - Lesson 3 - Language Analysis- Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
A Christmas Carol - Lesson 3 - Language Analysis- Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the third lesson of a novel study on Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol," students delve into the evolution of language and Dickens's distinctive use of language for literary effect. The learning objective is twofold: to explore how English has transformed over the years and to conduct a detailed analysis of Dickens's linguistic techniques. This lesson aims to enhance students' understanding of language as a dynamic tool in literature and to appreciate the nuances of Dickens's style.

The lesson begins with a starter activity that lasts approximately 15 minutes, where students engage in a matching exercise and discussion focused on 'Language Changes Over Time.' This serves to prime their thoughts on the fluidity of language and its historical progression. The main teaching activity spans 35 minutes and involves reading and discussing an extract from Chapter One, followed by an introduction to the 'Dickens Technique' activity. Students then dedicate 20 minutes to completing this activity, which requires them to identify and analyze the literary techniques employed by Dickens. For those who finish early, an extension task prompts them to explain the techniques they've uncovered, citing examples directly from the text. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute plenary where students share their findings and participate in a group discussion, providing an opportunity for feedback and deeper reflection on the session's content. Differentiation opportunities are woven throughout the lesson to cater to diverse learning needs, allowing for adjustments to the PowerPoint presentation, task selection, and the balance between teacher-led instruction and independent learning.