A Christmas Carol - Lesson 3 - Language Analysis PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
A Christmas Carol - Lesson 3 - Language Analysis PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The Language Analysis PowerPoint for 'A Christmas Carol' offers an in-depth exploration of Charles Dickens' use of language to create effect. The lesson's objective is to provide students with a detailed understanding of how Dickens' choice of words and phrases enhances the storytelling in his classic novella. Students are encouraged to consider the evolution of the English language, including the introduction of new words like 'selfie' and 'photobomb', and the changing meanings of existing words such as 'wicked' and 'bad'. The lesson also touches upon words that have become obsolete, using 'casement' and 'shaw' as examples, and prompts students to research their meanings.

Further analysis delves into the linguistic shifts over time by comparing phrases from the first chapter of 'A Christmas Carol' with their modern equivalents. This activity not only aids comprehension but also highlights Dickens' literary techniques. The lesson continues to dissect the opening of the story, where students are asked to identify narrative hooks, clues given by the chapter title, and the use of repetition and irony. Students examine the characterisation of Scrooge and the significance of the word 'sole' in the context of Marley's death. The plenary session encourages students to share their discoveries and examples from the text, while extension activities include researching interesting facts about Dickens and Victorian England, as well as understanding literary terms such as 'allegory' and 'novella'.