Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 11 - The End is Nigh PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 11 - The End is Nigh PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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English Teaching Resources provide a comprehensive lesson plan for the conclusion of Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. The lesson, titled 'The End is Nigh', aims to consolidate students' understanding of the plot and characters. It includes a PowerPoint presentation that guides students through the final stages of the story, prompting them to fill in the missing words and complete the narrative. The lesson's objectives are to ensure that students can recount the plot accurately and understand the dynamics between the characters and the story's resolution.

The lesson plan includes interactive worksheets where students are tasked with completing summaries by filling in the blanks with key details from the tale. They revisit how Mr Fox and his family evade the clutches of the three vindictive farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, by outsmarting them with a series of clever tunnels. The activities also cover how Mr Fox's actions affect the other animals in the vicinity and lead to the creation of an underground community. To culminate the lesson, students are given a creative assignment to design a new book cover for 'Fantastic Mr Fox', encouraging them to think like designers and include essential elements such as the title, author, and a captivating front and back cover illustration and blurb.