Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 7 - A Cunning Plan PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 7 - A Cunning Plan PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 7 titled 'A Cunning Plan', students delve into the imaginative world of 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and explore the narrative up to the end of Chapter 11. The lesson's objectives are twofold: firstly, to engage with the text by predicting Mr Fox's plan and considering the emotions of the characters, and secondly, to learn how to translate a written story into a comic book narrative. Students are encouraged to ponder questions such as the potential escape strategies of Mr Fox, the feelings of the Fox family in their dire situation, and the developments that sustain their hopes. A particular focus is placed on Mrs Fox's surprise in Chapter 11 and how it shifts the mood of the story.

The creative aspect of the lesson involves students crafting their own comic strips, depicting the events from Chapters 9 to 11, where the Fox family faces the threat of starvation. This activity not only allows students to express their understanding of the story visually but also helps them to consolidate their comprehension of the plot and character dynamics. The lesson concludes with a plenary session, where volunteers present their comic strips to the class. This provides an opportunity for students to showcase their work and receive constructive feedback from their peers, further enhancing their learning experience and narrative skills.

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