Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 5 - Improving Writing - Verbs PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 5 - Improving Writing - Verbs PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 5 of the 'Fantastic Mr Fox' series, the focus is on enhancing writing skills by using verbs effectively. The lesson's objectives are to read up to the end of Chapter 8 and to learn how to apply verbs to improve writing. Students are encouraged to understand the actions taking place in the story by identifying the verbs used in the text. They are asked to consider the farmers' attempts to catch Mr Fox and his family, the events that befall the Fox family in Chapter 8, and to ponder possible escape routes for them. Through the reading and analysis of these chapters, students will see how verbs convey action and add depth to the narrative.

The lesson continues with exercises designed to help students spot verbs within sentences from 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. Words such as 'watching', 'waiting', 'sat', and 'staring' are highlighted as examples of verbs, demonstrating their role as 'doing words'. Students are then tasked with selecting and inserting effective verbs into given sentences, enhancing their understanding of how verbs can enrich their writing. Additionally, the lesson includes a speaking and listening activity where students read their sentences aloud, explain their choice of verbs, and offer feedback on how the use of verbs can further improve the sentences. The worksheet provided also helps students practice by having them underline verbs in sentences from the book and insert verbs into new sentences, reinforcing the lesson's key concepts.

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