Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 4 - The Story So Far Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 4 - The Story So Far Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Fantastic Mr Fox - Lesson 4 - The Story So Far Worksheet" is a resource designed to test students' comprehension and recall of the first four chapters of the popular children's book "Fantastic Mr Fox." After reading up to the end of Chapter 4, students are asked to complete a series of questions. These questions range from listing facts about the story's antagonistic farmers, detailing the living place of the Fox family, to explaining the reasons behind the farmers' animosity towards the foxes. Additionally, the worksheet prompts students to consider the cunning tactics Mr Fox employs to evade capture and to reflect on the escalating conflict between the farmers and the foxes, including the farmers' plans and attacks, as well as the Fox family's responses to these threats.

As part of the learning activity, the worksheet encourages critical thinking by asking students to predict future events in the narrative. This not only engages students with the text but also helps to develop their inference and reasoning skills. The worksheet serves as a tool for teachers to assess students' understanding of the story's plot and character dynamics up to this point. It is a resource from, an online platform providing teaching materials, and is part of a larger collection of English Teaching Resources aimed at enhancing literacy and comprehension in primary education.