Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 10 - My Story PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 10 - My Story PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the tenth lesson of a series on Biography and Autobiography, the objective is to engage students in creating their own autobiographical narrative. The lesson draws inspiration from Roald Dahl's 'Boy', encouraging students to reflect on their own lives to find an event that others might find captivating. The task is to produce a written piece that adheres to the conventions and key features of an autobiography, ensuring that the chosen event is presented in a way that would pique the interest of readers. This requires the use of the first-person perspective, personal pronouns, and a rich, imaginative description to bring their stories to life.

The lesson includes a discussion on Roald Dahl's storytelling techniques and what makes his accounts of childhood so engaging. Following the discussion, students are given an assessment task to select an event from their own lives that is unusual, amusing, or entertaining. They are then allotted a total of 40 minutes to craft their autobiographical story, with a recommended structure of five minutes for planning, 30 minutes for writing, and the remaining five minutes for reviewing their work. This exercise not only helps students understand the structure of autobiographical writing but also allows them to explore their creative expression through their own lived experiences.

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