Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 7 - Captain Hardcastle Worksheet

English Resource Description
In Lesson 7, students delve into the study of character presentation through the words and phrases used by Roald Dahl to describe Captain Hardcastle. The worksheet prompts students to analyze specific excerpts from Dahl's writing, examining how the author uses description and dialogue to convey the essence of the character. For instance, Dahl's reference to Captain Hardcastle's "small milky-blue eyes" that rove the hall "searching for trouble" suggests a vigilant and potentially intimidating presence, one that instills a sense of caution and perhaps fear among the students in his charge.
The character's stern command, "You, what’s-your-name, get on with your work!" is a clear example of dialogue that further paints Captain Hardcastle as authoritative and perhaps lacking in warmth or patience for the children. The comparison of his legs to "as hard and thin as ram’s legs" through descriptive imagery conveys a sense of toughness and a no-nonsense attitude. The worksheet encourages students to consider the impact of Dahl's choices in language on their perception of Captain Hardcastle, categorizing each example as either description, dialogue, or action, and discussing what these elements suggest about his personality and behaviour.