Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 5 - Welcome to Norway Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 5 - Welcome to Norway Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 5 of a series on biography and autobiography, students are invited to explore Roald Dahl's childhood experiences in Norway through the chapters 'Going to Norway' and 'The magic island'. The worksheet titled 'Welcome to Norway' encourages students to delve into the details of Dahl's narratives to discover various aspects of Norwegian culture, geography, and traditions. They are prompted to read the specified chapters and then answer a set of questions designed to enhance their comprehension and engage them with the content.

The questions range from straightforward inquiries, such as identifying the capital of Norway and describing the journey from Oslo to Tjome, to more thematic ones that ask about the activities available to tourists on the Norwegian islands and the potential dangers one might encounter while holidaying there. Additionally, students are encouraged to consider the culinary aspects of Norway, with questions about the types of fish that can be caught in the early evening, the unique qualities of Norwegian fish, and local ice cream. Cultural elements are also touched upon with questions about 'skaaling' and 'gjetost', giving students a well-rounded view of Norwegian life as depicted in Dahl's writing. This exercise not only enhances their understanding of the text but also broadens their knowledge of a different culture.