The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time Lesson 3 - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time   Lesson 3 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Lesson Three of the English teaching resources for "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" begins with a 'Do Now' activity, where students are tasked with linking numbers to their corresponding references in Chapters 2, 3, 5 and 7 of the novel. The activity serves as a brain teaser, prompting students to recall specific details from the text, such as the number of facial expressions the protagonist, Christopher, recognises or the number of minutes he held the dog Wellington after discovering him deceased. As the lesson progresses, students delve deeper into the narrative through a series of challenges. These exercises include inferring meanings from given facts, describing sequences of events succinctly, and understanding the concept of white noise as described by Christopher.

The lesson's challenges are divided into Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels, each designed to engage students at varying depths of comprehension and analysis. The Bronze Challenge asks students to infer details from the text, such as the timing of events indicated by an orange leaf or the season suggested by a snag in a police officer's tights. The Silver Challenge requires students to condense the sequence of events leading to a critical moment in the story into a precise 100-word description. The Gold Challenge encourages students to interpret Christopher's reference to white noise and consider its significance in the context of his character. Additionally, students are prompted to transform their understanding of Christopher into a single image, summarise complex character traits in just twenty words, and link his responses to his unique way of processing the world. The lesson concludes with a review, where students reflect on what they have learned about Christopher, solidifying their grasp of the character's perspective and the narrative's subtleties.

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