The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time Lesson 21 - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time   Lesson 21 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson Twenty-One of the teaching resources for "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time," students are tasked with a "Do Now" activity that requires them to consider the emotions of the characters Ed, Judy, and Christopher following the events of Chapter 227. They must select up to two emotions for each character and justify their choices with evidence from the text. For instance, Ed Boone is associated with feelings of anguish and remorse after his actions led Christopher to feel unsafe and subsequently run away. Judy Boone is thought to experience pride and anger upon discovering Christopher's independent journey to London and the truth about her letters. Christopher himself is linked to fear and pride, acknowledging his bravery for travelling alone but also needing to create a mental map to feel secure in new surroundings.

The lesson continues with a series of challenges that delve into Christopher's dream in Chapter 229. The Bronze Challenge lists activities Christopher can do in his dream, such as travelling anywhere and enjoying solitude. The Silver Challenge prompts students to analyse why Christopher dreams of a world where he is so alone, suggesting a desire to be free from social demands and to be his authentic self without judgement. The Gold Challenge explores the idea that Christopher's dream represents a longing to not feel like an outsider, reflecting his wish to be considered normal. Students have the opportunity to stretch themselves further by comparing Christopher’s dream with his mother's from Chapter 113, examining the similarities and differences in location, the presence of other people, and underlying feelings. The lesson concludes with a summary challenge where students must condense the essence of Christopher's dream into 20, 15, and 10 words, encapsulating his desire for freedom and solitude.

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