Skellig Lesson 16: Imagine That - Imagery Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Skellig Lesson 16: Imagine That - Imagery Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 16 of the 'Skellig' study, students are tasked with honing their analytical skills by focusing on the use of imagery within the novel, specifically up to the end of Chapter 31. The lesson aims to develop the students' ability to discern the effects of the author's descriptive language. As they delve into the text, pupils are encouraged to pay particular attention to the vivid images conjured by the writer's choice of words and phrases. They are then asked to reflect on how these images enhance the reading experience by evoking emotions, creating atmosphere, or adding depth to the characters and settings.

The 'Imagery Worksheet' serves as a tool for students to systematically break down the imagery found in Chapter 31. They are instructed to list the images described in the text and then articulate the specific effects these images have on the reader. This could involve describing how the imagery contributes to the mood of the chapter, illustrates the themes of the book, or provides insight into the characters' thoughts and feelings. By completing this exercise, students will gain a deeper appreciation of the author's craft and the powerful role that imagery plays in storytelling, while also enhancing their critical reading and writing skills.

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