Skellig Lesson 16: Imagine That - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Skellig Lesson 16: Imagine That - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson Sixteen, focusing on 'Skellig' by David Almond, students are invited to delve into the author's use of imagery, specifically in Chapter 31. The objective of the lesson is to explore how Almond crafts vivid mental pictures to enhance the reader's experience and understanding of the text. The lesson plan includes a reading task where students are instructed to read up to the end of Chapter 24 initially, with particular attention to the imagery employed by the author. This prepares them for a more in-depth analysis of Chapter 31, where they are tasked with identifying the effects created by specific images in the text.

The lesson continues with an activity that encourages students to critically engage with the text by writing a paragraph about how Almond's use of imagery produces specific effects in Chapter 31. Sentence starters are provided to assist students in articulating their thoughts on the imagery. For example, they might explore the effect of a phrase that creates a sense of cautious movement or how a description of a heartbeat conveys intense emotion. The lesson culminates with a plenary session where volunteers read out their paragraphs and receive constructive feedback, allowing students to reflect on their interpretations and the techniques Almond uses to bring the story to life through powerful imagery.

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