Romeo & Juliet Lesson 12: Juliet, Nurse and Lady Capulet - Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 12: Juliet, Nurse and Lady Capulet - Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This lesson plan for Romeo & Juliet delves into the development of note-making skills from various types of texts. Aimed at enhancing students' understanding of English drama and Shakespeare study, the primary learning objective is to teach students how to effectively make notes from different textual sources. The lesson is structured to cover this through discussion, exploration, and practical tasks that enable students to practice and refine their note-making abilities.

The lesson begins with a 10-minute starter activity that prompts students to consider what multimodal texts are, setting the stage for a broader discussion. Over the next 40 minutes, the main teaching activity unfolds, starting with a conversation about multimodal texts and an exploration of the Guinness World Records website. This is followed by an introduction to a task involving Shakespeare on YouTube, where different forms of note-making are modelled and discussed. Students then engage in an individual Shakespeare Video task, with an extension activity encouraging them to add depth and detail to their notes while maintaining clarity and organisation. To assess progress, students must demonstrate basic note-making skills, should convey a sound grasp, and could show an insightful understanding. Differentiation opportunities are provided through editable PowerPoint slides and tailored tasks to suit varying learning needs. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute plenary where students partner up to compare notes, discussing any differences in the information recorded and reflecting on their note-making choices.