Romeo & Juliet Lesson 12: Juliet, Nurse and Lady Capulet - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 12: Juliet, Nurse and Lady Capulet - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the educational resource provided by, students delve into the intricate dynamics between Juliet, her Nurse, and Lady Capulet in Shakespeare's timeless play "Romeo and Juliet". The objective of the lesson is to deepen students' understanding of Juliet's character through the lens of her interactions with these two pivotal figures in her life. The lesson plan includes reading Act One, Scene Three and involves a fill-in-the-blanks activity, where students are encouraged to pay close attention to the dialogue and actions that reveal the nature of Juliet's relationships with her mother and the Nurse.

The activity prompts students to consider why Lady Capulet allows a certain character to be present during a private conversation, the kind of relationship Juliet has with the Nurse, and what the Nurse's crude language indicates about her character. Additionally, the Nurse's role as a figure in Juliet's life is examined, with students asked to speculate on Shakespeare's intentions for this relationship. The lesson also revisits Juliet's introduction to the audience, asking students to reflect on their initial impressions of her and how her father, Lord Capulet, presents her. Sentence starters are provided to assist students in articulating their thoughts and contributing to a written analysis of Juliet's character development.