Holes Lesson 8: Got the Sub-plot? - Comic Strip Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Holes Lesson 8: Got the Sub-plot? - Comic Strip Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 8, students are given a creative task to delve into the narrative technique of sub-plotting by creating a comic strip. The assignment focuses on a specific sub-plot from the story where the character Elya falls in love with Myra Menke. The objective is to capture the essence of this subplot in a visual and engaging way. Students are encouraged to think about the key moments and emotions that define Elya's feelings for Myra and to depict these moments in a sequence of illustrated panels that tell the story of this particular thread of the plot.

The comic strip worksheet is an opportunity for students to express their understanding of the story's sub-plot through art and dialogue. They must consider how to visually represent the characters, their interactions, and the progression of Elya's infatuation with Myra. The activity not only tests their comprehension of the sub-plot but also their ability to condense a narrative into its most significant points and to convey these points through the combination of imagery and text. This creative exercise helps students to engage with the text in a different medium, enhancing their analytical and artistic skills.