Holes Lesson 21: Lifting the Curse - Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
Holes Lesson 21: Lifting the Curse - Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 21 of the 'Holes' novel study, the learning objective is to deepen students' knowledge and understanding of the character Zero and his significance within the story's plot and themes. To achieve this, the lesson focuses on an in-depth analysis of Zero's character and his role within the narrative. Progress is assessed through two key tasks: creating a mind map dedicated to the character of Zero and an activity titled 'Lifting the Curse'.

The lesson begins with a 15-minute starter activity, where the class reads and discusses the novel up to the end of Chapter 43, fostering a collaborative environment for learning. This is followed by the main teaching activity, which spans 35 minutes and includes the Zero mind map task and the 'Lifting the Curse' activity, where the teacher models the first response before students work independently. To cater to varying abilities, there are opportunities for differentiation, such as editing the PowerPoint presentation, adjusting the level of scaffolding provided, and finding the right balance between teacher guidance and independent work. An extension task challenges students to write a paragraph explaining how Stanley lifted the curse. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute plenary where students pair up to explain, using their tables if needed, how Stanley managed to lift the curse, promoting peer and self-assessment.

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