Holes Lesson 14: Kissin' Kate Barlow - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Holes Lesson 14: Kissin' Kate Barlow - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 14 of the 'Holes' series, students delve into the intriguing character of Kissin' Kate Barlow. The objective of the lesson is to enhance the students' knowledge and understanding of how Louis Sachar portrays this character within the novel. The lesson invites students to engage with the text up to Chapter 26, encouraging them to gather and jot down all the information they have learned about Kissin' Kate Barlow so far. This exercise not only reinforces their comprehension but also prepares them for the writing task ahead.

For the main activity, students are tasked with writing a narrative page in their books, recounting the story of Kissin' Kate Barlow. To support their writing and to ignite their creativity, several sentence starters are provided. These prompts guide students through the initial introduction of Kate Barlow in Chapter 23, delve into her relationships as the novel progresses, and describe the events that lead to significant changes in her life. The lesson culminates with a plenary session where volunteers read their work aloud. The class then engages in a constructive critique, focusing on the strengths of the writing and areas for improvement, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

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