Fact and Opinion - Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Fact and Opinion - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The worksheet titled "Facts or Opinions?" challenges students to distinguish between factual statements and opinions by reading a text about Manchester. The text provides a historical overview, noting that in the 18th century, Manchester was renowned as the world's cotton-making capital and played a significant role in the industrial revolution. It also mentions the philanthropy of the city's industrialists, who contributed to the cultural and architectural wealth of Manchester. The passage further discusses the aftermath of the 1996 IRA bomb, which led to the regeneration of the city centre and the emergence of a modern cityscape. Additionally, Manchester's influence on the music scene is highlighted through the mention of iconic bands that originated from the city. The worksheet prompts students to extract two factual statements from the text, such as the population figures for central Manchester and the Greater Metropolitan Area, and to identify two opinions, which may pertain to the city's cultural and musical contributions. The second question encourages students to infer the author's perspective on Manchester using evidence from the text, prompting a deeper analysis of the language used and the information presented.

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