Fact and Opinion - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Fact and Opinion - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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A PowerPoint presentation aims to educate on the distinction between facts and opinions within non-fiction writing. It outlines that a fact is a statement that is known to be true, such as "Madrid is the capital city of Spain." In contrast, an opinion is a view or judgement that isn't necessarily based on fact, like the statement "Spain is the best holiday destination in Europe." The presentation highlights the importance of recognizing facts and opinions in texts, which can serve various purposes including to entertain, inform, argue, persuade, or advise. Through this learning material, students are encouraged to understand how writers use both facts and opinions to create specific effects in their writing.

Interactive elements in the presentation include exercises where students must determine whether a statement is a fact or an opinion. For example, "Testing on animals is unjustifiably cruel and should be banned" is an opinion, while "Paris is the capital of France" is a fact. Another activity involves reading a passage about Manchester and identifying facts and opinions within it, as well as discerning the author's attitude towards the city. The plenary session prompts students to reflect on the differences between facts and opinions and to consider why writers incorporate both when constructing an argument. This educational resource is designed to sharpen critical thinking and analytical skills in discerning objective truth from subjective viewpoints.

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