Easily Confused Words - Its and It's - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Easily Confused Words - Its and It's - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Understanding the correct usage of "its" and "it's" is crucial as they are commonly confused words in the English language. "Its" is a possessive pronoun used to indicate belonging, such as in the sentence "The dog chased its tail," which implies that the tail belongs to the dog. On the other hand, "it's" is a contraction of "it is," used in contexts like "It's time to eat lunch," meaning "It is time to eat lunch." These words are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings, making it important to know when to use each one appropriately.

The teaching resources provided include a variety of activities to help students practice distinguishing between "its" and "it's." Students are given sentences with blanks to fill in with the correct word, such as "The dog wagged ___ tail," and "___ half past ten already." This exercise helps them to apply their understanding in context. Additionally, peer assessment is encouraged, where students swap their work with classmates to review and score the use of the correct homophone, offering an opportunity for collaborative learning and self-improvement. A plenary session allows students to reflect on their performance and understand the reasons behind any errors, reinforcing their learning of these easily confused words.

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