Wonder Lesson 7: Driving - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 7: Driving - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In lesson 7 of the English Teaching Resources, students delve into a significant chapter of the book 'Wonder', focusing on pages 10-14. The class is encouraged to read and discuss the text together, using their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to expand their vocabulary. As they explore the chapter, they are prompted to jot down notes, particularly considering the perspectives of the characters Mom, Dad, and Auggie. This session aims to deepen the students' understanding of the story and the motivations of each character, fostering critical thinking and empathy through guided discussion.

The lesson also includes a 'Word warm-up' activity to help students distinguish between the homophones 'there', 'their', and 'they're'. This exercise not only enhances their spelling skills but also their grasp of context within sentences. Following this, the class engages in a discussion about the pivotal nature of the chapter, examining the dynamics of the family's conversation about sending Auggie to school. Students are encouraged to consider the emotional nuances of the text, such as August's reaction to his parents' long-term considerations, the concept of 'white lies', and the atmosphere shift when Mr Tushman is mentioned. The lesson concludes with a writing task, prompting students to articulate their thoughts on August's impending school experience, supported by evidence from the text, and to circle the correct homophone in given sentences, reinforcing their understanding of these commonly confused words.

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