Wonder Lesson 46: Take Your Seats Everyone - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 46: Take Your Seats Everyone - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the English teaching resource titled "Take Your Seats Everyone, A Simple Thing," students are encouraged to delve into pages 294 to 301 of the novel 'Wonder'. The class is tasked with reading and discussing the text together, utilising their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to enhance their vocabulary. During the reading, they are prompted to consider the narrative's plot, characters, and themes, fostering a deeper understanding of the literary elements at play. This activity not only aids in comprehension but also sparks a conversation about the book's content and its implications.

The lesson continues with a 'Word Warm-up' exercise focused on using dialogue. Students are invited to interpret a scene and share their thoughts with a partner, discussing what might be happening within the context. Following this, they are asked to decide whether the scene depicts an act of kindness and to write a short paragraph that uses dialogue to convey the characters' thoughts and feelings. Additionally, the lesson explores the concept of expressing an opinion, centering on a poignant speech by Mr Tushman to the Beecher Prep graduates. Students reflect on his message of being 'kinder than is necessary' and consider the importance of kindness over academic achievements. They engage in a discussion, weighing both sides of the argument, and conclude with their personal stance on whether developing kindness is more significant than obtaining good grades.

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