Wonder Lesson 37: North Pole - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 37: North Pole - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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An English teaching resource focuses on exploring 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio, specifically the chapters titled "North Pole, The Auggie Doll, Lobot and Hearing Brightly" (pages 206-215). The lesson encourages students to read and discuss these pages as a class, using a 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to enhance their vocabulary. The students are prompted to think deeply about the plot, characters, and themes as they engage with the text. Additionally, the lesson includes a 'Word warm-up' activity that challenges students to correctly punctuate dialogue, using sentences related to the story's characters and their interactions.

The lesson plan also incorporates a class activity where students work in pairs to identify both positive and negative events that have recently occurred in the protagonist Auggie's life. Pairs then link up to compare their findings and discuss whether any events are perceived as both positive and negative, and why. This is followed by a written activity that requires students to choose one positive and one upsetting event from the chapters and use evidence from the text to explain their emotional impact. For example, they might analyze Auggie's reaction to seeing his new hearing aids for the first time to determine his feelings towards them.