Wonder Lesson 35: Olivia's Brother - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 35: Olivia's Brother - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 35 of the English Teaching Resources, focusing on "Olivia's Brother and Valentine's Day" from the book 'Wonder', invites students to engage in a detailed discussion of pages 187-192. The class is encouraged to use their 'Wonder Dictionary' to expand their vocabulary while exploring the significance of introducing a new character, Justin, in Part 5 of the novel. This new perspective allows readers to see the other characters in a different light. Students are also prompted to consider the unique writing style of these chapters, particularly Justin's informal and incorrect use of punctuation, which is highlighted in a 'Punctuation Police' warm-up activity where students identify and correct errors in sentences provided.

The lesson continues with a deeper examination of Justin's character, particularly focusing on his 'tics', a symptom of a condition known as 'Simple Motor Tic'. Students are encouraged to discuss what tics are and how they affect Justin, especially under stress. The discussion is supported by a video that provides further information about this condition. Additionally, the class is tasked with answering questions about Justin's experiences with motor tics, his feelings about having them, his impressions of Olivia's parents, the differences between Olivia's family and his own, and predictions about his future relationship with Auggie. This comprehensive discussion aims to foster empathy and understanding while enhancing students' analytical skills.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary