Wonder Lesson 30: Snow - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 30: Snow - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In an English lesson centred around the book 'Wonder', students delve into pages 146-150, engaging in a class discussion and utilising their 'Wonder Dictionary' to enhance their vocabulary. The reading session is interactive, prompting students to consider the plot, characters, and themes within these pages. This approach not only aids comprehension but also encourages students to actively think about the story's elements and how they contribute to the narrative. The lesson is part of a series of English teaching resources that aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of literature among students.

The lesson also includes a focus on punctuation, specifically the use of colons. Students are introduced to the rules of creating a list with colons, such as placing the colon before the first list item and separating each item with a comma. An example from 'Wonder' illustrates how a colon is used to introduce a list within a sentence. This warm-up activity serves to reinforce grammar skills and demonstrates the practical application of punctuation in writing. Additionally, comprehension exercises related to the chapters 'Snow', 'Fortune Favours the Bold', and 'Private School' challenge students to explore vocabulary, infer meaning, and reflect on the text, further enhancing their analytical and creative thinking skills.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary