Wonder Lesson 29: Four Things and Ex-Friends - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 29: Four Things and Ex-Friends - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this particular English lesson, students delve into the book 'Wonder', focusing on pages 142-145. The class is encouraged to read and discuss the content together, using their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to expand their vocabulary. This exercise not only enhances their understanding of new words but also prompts them to think critically about the plot, characters, and themes of the story. The lesson aims to deepen their comprehension of the text while simultaneously improving their language skills.

Additionally, the lesson places emphasis on the use of relative clauses, which are crucial for adding extra information to sentences. Students learn about various relative pronouns such as 'who', 'which', 'whose', 'where', 'when', and 'why', and how they relate to people, animals, objects, possession, places, time, and reason, respectively. Through examples and exercises, they practice including relative clauses in sentences to make them more informative. Furthermore, the lesson explores the chapters titled 'Four Things' and 'Ex-Friends' from 'Wonder', where students analyze the character Jack's feelings and confusion regarding his fallout with August. They are tasked with identifying the reasons Jack appreciates August and to consider writing a 'best friend' advert based on the qualities that make August an admirable friend, as mentioned in the text.

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