Wonder Lesson 26: Weird Kids - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 26: Weird Kids - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 26 of the English Teaching Resources focuses on the book 'Wonder', specifically discussing pages 119-123. Students are encouraged to engage with the text by reading and discussing it as a class, utilising their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheets to expand their vocabulary. This exercise not only enhances their understanding of the plot, characters, and themes within the story but also promotes active learning and critical thinking about the narrative. The lesson aims to provide a deeper insight into the story by considering different perspectives, particularly through the eyes of the character Summer, and exploring why the author chose to write the book in this manner.

In addition to the comprehension aspect, the lesson includes a 'Word warm-up' activity focused on spellings and the concept of plurals. Students learn the general rule of adding an 's' to singular words to make them plural, as well as exceptions to this rule, such as 'child' becoming 'children'. They are then tasked with converting more complex words from singular to plural forms and using them in sentences. This part of the lesson reinforces spelling skills and the understanding of grammatical rules. The lesson wraps up with comprehension questions that delve into Summer's decisions, the dynamics between the characters, and the underlying themes of the chapters being studied.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary