Wonder Lesson 25: Out with the Old - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 25: Out with the Old - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 25 of the English teaching resources, titled "Out with the Old," delves into the nuances of character development and vocabulary enhancement through the reading of 'Wonder'. The lesson encourages a thorough discussion of the text's plot, characters, and themes, with a focus on pages 107-117. Students are prompted to continue utilising their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to expand their vocabulary, ensuring a deeper understanding of the language used in the book.

The lesson also includes a word warm-up activity that centres around the use of semi-colons in lists. Students revisit the text to examine a section where the protagonist Via describes her new friends at high school. They are then tasked with writing an extended list of Via's friends, using semi-colons to separate the different items, enhancing their grammatical skills. Additionally, the lesson involves a character analysis segment, where students select a single word that best describes Via and support their choice with evidence from the book. This analytical exercise not only deepens comprehension but also encourages critical thinking and textual analysis. The lesson concludes with an invitation for students to share their character analyses, fostering a collaborative and reflective learning environment.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary